Start your New Year by learning how to build motivation, overcome inertia, and gain greater control of your life through empirically-based imagery techniques.

Join Eric Miller, PhD in discovering how our motivation and patterns of behavior is tied to quick, almost unnoticeable simulations we run before making almost any choice.

Have you been inspired by Atomic Habits or similar books but still have difficulty changing deep-rooted habits and reactions? Have you tried to start a diet or a workout routine, only to have it fizzle out a few weeks or days later? Do you sometimes find that strong emotions or impulses hijack well-laid plans?

By noticing how you mentally predict outcomes and changing that imagery, you can learn how to build motivation, overcome internal conflict and self-sabotage, and create a life that better fits who you are and who you want to be.

This program will be hosted both in-person AND via Zoom!


