Patron Behavior Policy

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  1. Introduction.


The Ferndale Area District Library (the “Library”) is open for specific and designated civic, educational, and cultural uses, including reading, studying, writing, participating in scheduled Library programs, and using Library materials.  In order to provide resources and services to all people who visit the Library facilities in an atmosphere of courtesy, respect, and excellent service, the Library Board has adopted this Patron Behavior Policy. The purpose of the Patron Behavior Policy (“Policy”) is to assist the Library in fulfilling its mission as a community resource enriching life, stimulating intellectual curiosity, fostering literacy, and encouraging an informed citizenry.


The following rules of conduct shall apply to all buildings and all branches – interior and exterior – and all grounds controlled and operated by the Library (“Library facilities”) and to all persons entering in or on the premises, unless otherwise specified. 


II.        Rules for a Safe Environment.


A.        Violations of Law.  Committing or attempting to commit an activity in violation of federal, state, or local law, ordinance, or regulation (including but not limited to assault, indecent exposure, larceny, removing Library material from the property without authorization through the approved lending procedures, vandalism or copyright infringement) is prohibited.


B.        Weapons.  Carrying guns, pistols, or other weapons, except as specifically permitted and exempt from local regulation by law, is prohibited.


C.        Alcohol; Drugs.  Possessing, selling, distributing, or consuming any alcoholic or intoxicating beverage, illegal drug, or drug paraphernalia is prohibited; provided that alcohol may be permitted at certain Library-sponsored events if specifically approved by the Library.  Persons noticeably under the influence of any controlled substance or alcoholic or intoxicating liquor are not allowed on Library property.


E.         Recreational Equipment and Personal Transport Devices.  Use of skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates, or other wheeled form of recreational equipment is not allowed in the Library or on Library property.  Library patrons must park bicycles or other recreational vehicles only in authorized areas.  Wheelchairs, scooters, strollers, and other power-driven mobility devices are permitted by those individuals with disabilities in accordance with Library rules, unless a particular type of device cannot be accommodated because of legitimate safety requirements.


F.         No Blocking of Doors, Aisles or Entrances.  All doors, aisles and entrances must remain obstacle-free.  This includes a prohibition of running power cords across aisles or other areas that are used for walking.


G.        Animals.   Animals are not permitted in the Library other than service animals (as defined by law) for those individuals with disabilities, those used in law enforcement or for Library programming.


H.        Incendiary devices.  The use of incendiary devices, such as candles, matches, and lighters, is prohibited inside the Library.


   I.  Staff Only Areas.  Patrons shall not be permitted in any areas designated as “staff only” unless otherwise permitted by the Library Director. Patrons are not allowed to enter behind service desks, including Circulation, Reference, and Youth Services.


J.          School Groups.  School groups using the Library must have approval of the Library Director and must have a teacher and other appropriate staff present to ensure that the students use the Library in conformance with these rules.


III.       Rules for Personal Behavior.


A.        Personal Property.  Personal property brought into the Library is subject to the following:


1.         The Library staff may limit the number and size of parcels carried into the Library.


2.         The Library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended and Library staff is not permitted to guard or watch personal belongings.


3.         The Library does not guarantee storage for personal property.


4.         Personal possessions must not be left unattended or take up seating or space if needed by others.


B.        Food and Beverages.  Food and beverages are only permitted in designated areas. 


C.        Unauthorized Use.  Patrons must leave the Library promptly at closing time and may not be in the Library when it is not open to the public. Further, any patron whose privileges to use the Library have been denied may not enter the Library.  Any patron whose privileges have been limited may not use the Library in any manner that conflicts with those limits placed on the patron by the Library Director, his/her/their designee, or the Library Board.


D.        Engaging in Proper Library Activities.  Patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of the Library while in the building or on Library property.  Patrons not engaged in reading, studying, writing, utilizing library services, participating in scheduled Library programs, or using Library materials may be required to leave the building and shall not remain on Library property.


E.         Considerate Use.  The following behavior is prohibited in the Library or on Library property:


1.         Spitting;

2.         Running, pushing, shoving, fighting, throwing items, provoking a fight or other unsafe physical behavior;

3.         Climbing on furniture;

4.         Using obscene or threatening language or gestures;

5.         Engaging in sexual behavior (1) that is a violation of the law, (2) which can reasonably be expected to disturb Library users or staff while such staff or patrons are in the Library or on Library property; or (3) that interferes with the Library patrons’ use of the Library or the ability of the staff person to do his/her/their job. 

6.         Engaging in physical and/or verbal harassment of patrons or staff.



F.         Panhandling or Soliciting.  Panhandling or soliciting Library staff or patrons for money, products, or services inside the Library or on Library property is prohibited. Sales of products or services that are incidental to Library programming may be permitted if approved in advance by the Library Director.


G.        Interference with Staff.  Patrons may not interfere with the staff’s performance of duties in the Library or on Library property.  This includes engaging in conversation or behavior that monopolizes or forces the attention of staff for an inappropriate period of time, inappropriate personal comments, sexual advances, or physical and/or verbal harassment.


H.        Campaigning, Petitioning, Interviewing and Similar Activities. As a limited public forum, the Library reserves the right to regulate the time, place, and manner for campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing and soliciting on Library grounds as follows:


1.         Campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing, and soliciting are prohibited inside the Library building.

2.         Campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing, and soliciting outside the Library building but on Library property are subject to the following requirements:

a.         Persons or groups are requested to sign in with the designated Person in Charge in advance.

b.         Use of the Library property does not indicate the Library’s opposition or endorsement of the candidate or issue that is the subject of the petition, interview, campaign or discussion.

c.         Permitted areas for campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, pamphleteering, canvassing and soliciting outside of the Library building shall be limited to areas 15 feet from all entrances.

d.         No person shall block ingress or egress from the Library building.  

e.         Permitted times will be limited to the operating hours of the Library.

f.          Campaign material, literature or petitions may not be brought into the Library, posted at the Library or left on Library property.


I.          Sales.  Selling merchandise on Library property without prior permission from the Library Director is prohibited.


J.          Distributions; Postings.  Distributing or posting printed materials/literature on Library property not in accordance with Library policy is prohibited.


K.        Restrooms.  Misuse of restrooms, including activities that damage fixtures and/or plumbing, and sexual activity is prohibited.  Unless a parent or guardian is assisting a child or a patron is assisting a person with a disability, there shall only be one person to a stall.   Library materials may not be taken into restrooms.


L.         Harassment.  Staring, photographing, video recording, audio recording, following, stalking, harassing, arguing with, threatening, talking or behaving in a manner (1) which can reasonably be expected to disturb Library users or staff while such staff or patrons are in the Library or on Library property; (2) that interferes with the Library patrons’ use of the Library or the ability of the staff person to do his or her job is prohibited; (3) would create or may result in a hostile work environment for Library staff; and/or (4) that violates Michigan law.


M.        Loud Noise.  Producing or allowing any loud, unreasonable, or disturbing noises that interfere with other patrons’ use of the Library or which can be reasonably expected to disturb other persons or have the intent of annoying other persons, including yelling, cheering, talking (with others or in monologues) or noises from electronic, entertainment, and communication devices, such as cell phones, tablets, headphones, and radio, is prohibited.  Patrons may use headphones or earbuds but at a volume that cannot be heard by other Library patrons or staff.

Adults may read aloud to children in the Youth Area, provided that they are reading in a voice that would not reasonably disturb others.


N.        Odor.  Offensive odor, including but not limited to body odor due to poor personal hygiene, overpowering perfume or cologne, or odors from items brought into the Library, that causes a nuisance is prohibited.  (For example, if the patron’s odor interferes with staff or other patrons’ use of the Library, the patron violates this Policy).


  1. Phones.  Phone calls are prohibited in the Library, except in the lobby.  Those patrons desiring to use phones to place or receive calls must use the phones outside of the Library building or in the Library’s lobby.  Phones shall be placed on silent or vibrate mode upon entering the Library. If a patron is unable to go to the lobby, the call should be kept short and spoken quietly.


  1. Library Policies.  Patrons must adhere to all Library Policies.


Tables or Structures on Library Property.  No person may use or set up a table, stand, sign or similar structure on Library property.  This does not apply to Library-sponsored or co-sponsored events.


  1.       Smoking; Tobacco or Marijuana Use.  Smoking, assembling, or using e-cigarettes,                vaping, electronic nicotine delivery systems or chewing tobacco is prohibited on Library property.  Using, or smoking marijuana on Library property is also prohibited.


  1. Shirts and Shoes.  Shirts and shoes are required for health reasons and must be always worn inside the Library and on Library property. An exception may be made in the play area of the Kids’ Corner.


      S.         Photography.  All patrons must seek permission from the Library Director or designee before taking photos or filming at the Library, unless attending a meeting that is open to the public under the Open Meetings Act. Official identification must be shown.  Unattended children may not have their pictures taken. Patrons should seek permission from other patrons before taking their photo, or from the parents or guardians of children 17 and under.

       T.        Manipulating Library Property.  Manipulating library displays, shelving, furniture, or other library property in a manner that is outside of regular library use is prohibited


IV.       Rules for the Use and Preservation of Library Materials and Property.


A.        Care of Library Property.  Patrons must not deface, vandalize, damage or improperly use or improperly remove Library materials, equipment, furniture, or buildings. Patrons shall not load or install any programs or software on Library computers.  Patrons shall be responsible to reimburse the Library for costs incurred by the Library for violating this provision.  Patrons shall not cause damage by returning books containing bedbugs or bringing bedbugs into the Library.


B.        Internet Use.  Patrons must abide by established time limitations and all other provisions of the Library Internet Use Policy.


             C.        Equipment.  Library staff computers are for staff use only.


D.        Authorized Lending.  Library materials may only be removed from the premises with authorization through established lending procedures.




V.        Violation and Appeal Section

Violations and appeals of this Policy shall be processed according to the Library Violations and Appeal Policy.




Adopted September 15, 2022

Material Selection Policy

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I. Purpose. The purpose of the Ferndale Area District Library’s Material Selection Policy (“Policy”) is to set broad guidelines to assemble, preserve, organize, administer, and promote the use of a wide range of communication media and to inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made. These functions are undertaken to further the objectives of the Ferndale Area District Library (“Library”).


II. Definitions: The term “Library Materials” means books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, library programs or other synonyms as they may occur in the Policy having the widest possible meaning. This statement of Policy applies to all Library Materials in the collection, including adult, young adult and juvenile. However, this Policy and the term “Library Materials” does not apply to Internet sites available through the Library's computers or Internet collection. The Library has no control over the content of the Internet. Please see the Internet Use Policy for any issues related to computer or Internet Use. The term “selection” refers to the decision to add, retain or withdraw material in the collection. It does not refer to reader guidance.


III. Goals of Materials Selection.

A. To meet the individual’s need for information through the maintenance of a wellbalanced and broad collection of materials for information, reference, and research.


B. To help the individual attain maximum self-development through life-long intellectual and cultural growth.


C. To support the democratic process by providing materials for the education and enlightenment of the community.

D. To assist individuals in their pursuit of occupational activity and practical affairs.


E. To provide diverse recreational experiences for individuals and groups.


F. To assist institutions of formal education with services that will assist individual study.


G. To maintain Michigan and local history collections. IV. Responsibility for Selection. The responsibility for selection lies with the professional staff of the Library. That staff operates within the areas of service to children, young adults, and adults. Both the public and staff members 2 may recommend materials for consideration. The ultimate responsibility for book selection, however, rests with the Library Director who operates within the framework of policies determined by the Library Board of Directors. The Library Director shall be responsible for ensuring that the funds budgeted for collection development are allocated appropriately depending upon the needs of the Library and the fulfillment of the above Goals of Material Selection.


V. General Principles.

A. Selection of Library Materials is based on the relationship of such work to the needs, interests and demands of the community. Basic to this Policy is the Library Bill of Rights and the Intellectual Freedom Statement of the American Library Association to which this Library subscribes. Selection is not made based on anticipated approval or disapproval by patrons or Library users, but solely on the merits of a work, without regard to the race, nationality, political or religious view of the writer.


B. Responsibility for the reading material of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection shall not be inhibited solely by the possibility that books may inadvertently come into the possession of children. The Library respects each individual parent’s right to supervise his/her/their children’s choice of reading materials. However, the Library does not have the right to act in loco parentis (in place of the parent). Therefore, a parent who chooses to restrict the materials his/her/their children select must accompany those children when they use the collection to impose those restrictions.


C. Further, Library Materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of contents, and no catalogued book or other item will be sequestered, except for the express purpose of protecting it from injury or theft. The use of rare and scholarly items of great value may be controlled to the extent required to preserve them from harm, but no further.


D. It is the responsibility of the Library to provide circulating, reference, and research materials for the public and students based on the services it is expected to perform.


VI. Specific Principles for Selection.

The following principles, individually or collectively, will prevail in the selection of all Library Materials. The total collection will attempt to represent multiple points of view. When possible, FADL staff select from a professional review source in order to justify selection.


● Contemporary significance or permanent value

● Accuracy

● Lack of bias, factual 3

● Diversity of viewpoint

● Portrays issues sensitively

● Authority of author

● Relation of work to existing collection

● Price, format, and ease of use

● Scarcity of information in subject area

● Available shelf or storage space

● Availability of material through inter-library loan

● Popular demand: The Library will make an effort to have materials available which are in high demand by the public; however, selections by popular demand will still be guided by consideration of merit, use and the specific principles for selection.

● Duplication of materials already in the collection; i.e., purchase of additional copies of materials, shall be governed by intrinsic or historical value, or immediate need

● Collection objectives

● Community relevance

● Audience for material


VII. Gifts.


Acceptance of gifts shall be governed by the same principles and criteria applied to the selection of items for purchase. Gifts of books or other materials which do not comply with the Library’s objectives and policies will be refused. No conditions may be imposed relating to any item either prior to or after its acceptance by the Library. All gifts and donated materials (including works of local authors) become the property of the Library. The manner of disposition of any materials which are not added to the collection will be decided by the Library.


VIII. Maintenance of the Collection.


The collection shall be periodically examined for the purpose of eliminating obsolete, damaged, duplicate, or unneeded materials, and for binding or repair of materials, in order to maintain a balanced, attractive and useful Library Materials collection.


IX. Challenges to Materials.


No material shall be removed from the Library’s collection until all steps in the following process have been completed. 4 Adopted August 11, 2022


A. Patrons (“Requester”) who object to Library Materials will be sent to the Director.


B. The Director will discuss the Library Materials in question with the Requester, attempting to resolve the concern to both the Requester’s and Library’s satisfaction.


C. If the Requester wishes to carry the request further, the Director will provide the Requester with a copy of the Materials Selection Policy, including the Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials (“Request for Reconsideration”).


D. Once a completed, signed copy of the Request for Reconsideration is received, the Library Director shall decide on the Request for Reconsideration, taking into consideration the Library’s Materials Selection Policy and any other relevant information to reach a decision. The Library Director may consult with any other staff or consultants when making this decision. Only Request for Reconsideration forms that have been 100% completed will be considered. A separate form must be completed for each individual challenge. Ferndale residency status may be considered as a part of the decision.


E. The Library Director shall have up to sixty (60) days to complete the process for a decision of the submitted Request for Reconsideration form. Request for Reconsideration forms will be reviewed sequentially in the order the Library Director receives them. The Library Director shall send the decision in writing to the complainant. If the decision is that the questioned material should be removed from the collection, the Requester will be notified in writing by the Library Director and all copies of the item will be withdrawn. If the decision is that the questioned material is to be retained, the Requester will be notified in writing by the Library Director that the material will be retained.


F. A written appeal of the Library Director’s decision may be made by the Requester to the President of the Library Board within ten (10) business days after the written decision is made by the Library Director. The Library Board will review any documentation it deems necessary to decide within sixty (60) days of receipt of the appeal. G. The Library Board serves as the final authority in cases involving retention or withdrawal of Library Materials.


X. Revision of this Policy.

This Policy shall be reviewed and revised to be consistent with the objectives of the Library.

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I.          Purpose


            Children and vulnerable adults are welcome and encouraged to use the Ferndale Area District Library (“Library”) at all times. The Library desires to make each visit an important one.  The Ferndale Area District Library Board (“Library Board”) adopts the following Children and Vulnerable Adults in the Library Policy (“Policy”) with regard to children and vulnerable adults at the Library.  


II.        Definitions


            A.        “Child” means a minor under the age of 18.

B.        “Vulnerable Adult” means an individual age 18 or over who, because of developmental disability, mental illness, physical disability or other similar reasons, (1) requires supervision or personal care or (2) lacks the personal and social skills required to live independently.

C.        “Responsible Caregiver” is an individual who is responsible for monitoring or caring for a child or vulnerable adult and who must be at least 16 years old.


III.       Rules and Regulations Regarding Children


A.        All patrons, including children, are expected to comply with the Library’s policies, including its Patron Behavior Policy.  Parents, guardians, or Responsible Caregivers shall review and be fully aware of all Library policies governing children, particularly the Internet Use Policy.


B.        Parents, guardians, and Responsible Caregivers are responsible for the behavior and supervision of their children regardless of age while in the Library. 


             C.        Library Staff will not be expected to supervise or monitor children’s behavior.  


D.        Children under the age of 10 must be attended by a parent, guardian, or Responsible Caregiver.  The parent, guardian, or Responsible Caregiver shall remain in the Library at all times.   If a child under the age of 10 is attending a Library-sponsored program on the premises, the parent, a guardian, or Responsible Caregiver is to remain on the premises for the duration of the program. 


E.         Children of any age who, because of developmental disability, mental illness, physical disability, or other similar reason, require supervision or personal care shall be attended by a parent, guardian, or Responsible Caregiver at all times.


F.        Children ages 10 and under must be within the visual contact of a parent, guardian, or Responsible Caregiver at all times, including during programs and visits to the restroom.  Children 10 and under may not be left in the Children’s Area alone.


G.        Staff will not be responsible if unattended children of any age leave the Library premises alone or with other persons.  Further, staff will not be responsible for children who may be asked to leave the Library if the child is in violation of Library policy.


H.        We request that all unattended children be picked up at least ten minutes before closing time.  Parents, guardians and Responsible Caregivers need to be aware of when the Library closes.


I.          Children 10 years or older must know their telephone number and other contact information if they are unattended at the Library.  It is a violation of Library policy not to come immediately and pick up your unattended child if the Library calls. 


III.       Rules and Regulations Regarding Vulnerable Adults


A.        All patrons, including vulnerable adults are expected to comply with the Library’s policies, including its Patron Behavior Policy.  Parents, guardians, or Responsible Caregivers shall review and be fully aware of all Library policies, particularly the Internet Use Policy.


B.        Parents, guardians, and Responsible Caregivers are responsible for the behavior and supervision of the vulnerable adult in their care while in the Library or on Library property.


C.        Vulnerable adults who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves or who do not have the ability to use the Library independently may not be left alone in the Library and must have adequate supervision while in the Library.


D.        Vulnerable adults who can understand and follow the Patron Behavior Policy and who can care for themselves are allowed to be in the Library unattended. They should have contact information for someone who can assist them in an emergency.


E.         We request that all vulnerable adults be picked up at least ten minutes before closing time.  Parents, guardians and Responsible Caregivers need to be aware of when the Library closes.


F.         Vulnerable adults must know their telephone number and other contact information if they are unattended at the Library.  It is a violation of Library policy not to come immediately and pick up your vulnerable adult if the Library calls.


IV.       Contact with Parent or Guardian for Unattended Child or Vulnerable Adult


A.        Library staff will attempt to contact a parent, legal guardian, or Responsible Caregiver when:


                        1.         The health or safety of an unattended child or vulnerable adult is in doubt;


                        2.         A child or vulnerable adult is frightened while alone at the Library;


3.         The behavior of an unattended child or vulnerable adult violates Library policy.


4.         The unattended child 10 years of age or younger or vulnerable adult has not been met by a parent, legal guardian, custodian, or Responsible Caregiver at closing time.  An individual is considered an unattended vulnerable adult when he/she is not picked up by closing time and needs assistance procuring transportation.  A child is considered unattended at closing time if the child is under the age of 10 or a child of any age needs assistance procuring transportation.


B.        If a parent, legal guardian, or Responsible Caregiver cannot be reached within 15 minutes after closing, fails to arrive within a reasonable time after being contacted, or arrives 30 minutes or more after the Library closes, Library staff will contact law enforcement officials to take charge of the situation involving the unattended child or vulnerable adult.  Library employees are not permitted to transport an unattended child or vulnerable adult under any circumstances.


C.        If the parent, legal guardian, Responsible Caregiver can be reached within 10 minutes after closing and arrives in a reasonable time, the staff member shall explain the Library’s policy and provide a copy of this Policy.


D.        Two Library staff members shall remain with the unattended child or vulnerable adult until the Responsible Caregiver or law enforcement arrives. 


V.        Violation; Enforcement; Appeal


The Library Director or the Library Director’s designee may restrict access to Library facilities with immediate dismissal of the patron from the premises, by suspending the patron’s access to Library facilities for a set period of time, or by denying access to specific services and/or programs for violations this Policy.  When necessary, the local police may be called to intervene.


A.        Incident Reports.  Library staff shall record in writing in the form of an Incident Report any violation of this Policy that resulted in a verbal warning or a suspension of Library privileges.  By the end of the day on which the incident occurred, an Incident Report shall be written and forwarded to the Library Director for logging and review.  The report should include physical descriptions in addition to the name of the patron.  A copy of the suspension of privileges letter should be attached, if applicable.


B.        Violation of the Policy – Suspension of Privileges.  Even if the police have been called to intervene, the Library may still take action to suspend privilege for violations as follows:


1.         Initial Violation:  Library patrons observed violating this Policy will be asked to cease the violation with a verbal request.  If the patron does not comply with the request, he or she will be asked to leave the building for the day.  If he or she refuses, the police may be called.


2.         Subsequent Violations:  The Library Director or the Library Director’s authorized designee may further limit or suspend the patron’s Library privileges if infractions continue.  Such limitation or revocation shall be in writing specifying the nature of the violation.  Subsequent violations of the same rule shall result in additional suspensions of increasing length. 


C.        Reinstatement.  If requested by the Director, the patron whose privileges have been limited or suspended shall attend a meeting with the Library Director or the Library Director’s designee to review the Library Patron Behavior Policy before their privileges may be reinstated.  The Library Director may impose conditions for the reinstatement.


D.        Right of Appeal.  Patrons may appeal (1) a decision to limit or suspend privileges or (2) the conditions placed on reinstatement by sending a written appeal to the Library Board within 10 business days of the date of the decision.  The appeal should be sent to the President of the Library Board.  The decision of the Library Board is final.




Adopted April 2023


Community Room Policy



  1. Purpose and Conditions of Meeting Room Use


    1. Congruent with the Libr ary's mission, meeting rooms are available for events that are educational, cultural, or civic in nature. They are also available for meetings of businesses or non-profit groups that are located in Ferndale, or are members of the Ferndale Chamber of Commerce. Private, personal or family functions are not permitted in library meeting rooms.

    2. Use of the Library meeting rooms does not imply endorsement by the Library staff or Board Members of the viewpoints presented. Advertisements, promotions, or announcements implying or stating such endorsement are prohibited.

    3. Youth and children's groups may use the meeting room but only if rese rved by an ad ult (over 18 years of age) representative of the group. Children and youth under 18 years of age must be supervised by a sufficient number of adults at all times.

    4. Permission to use meeting rooms is revocable and does not constit ute a lease. Inclusion of false information on the application form and/or failure to comply with meeting room regulations will result in automatic and immediate revocation of permission.

    5. The Ferndale Area District Library does not discriminate in making its meeting rooms available for use on the basis of age, race, color, religion, gender, national origin, marital stat us, parental status, sexual orientation, gender ident ity, political ideology, creed , ancestry, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability.

    6. Final authority to determine who may use the room belongs to the Ferndale Area District Library Board as set forth in this policy.



  2. Restrictions of Use


    1. Library programs and sponsored events have priority in the use of meeting room space. The Library reserves the right to reschedule confirmed meeting room reservations to accommodate Library-sponsored programs and events. If possible, the Library will cancel or reschedule a reservation at least 24 hours in advance of a group's scheduled meeting date.

    2. All groups or individuals using the meeting room ("users") are accommodated on a first come, first served basis with Library programs or business having first priority.

    3. All meetings shall be open to the public.

    4. Commercial and for-profit groups may use the meeting rooms, but the use must be for educational, cultural, informational or governmental/civicactivities. No commercial , sales, or profit-making uses of the meeting rooms are permitted. However, the sale of books, CDs and other items by authors or artists as a part of and incidental to Library programming shall be permitted if such sale is approved in advance by th e Director.

    5. No admission or registration fee may be sought from meeting attendees unless the Library co-sponsors the program. In recognition of the fact that tax revenue is not sufficient to support enhanced library services, the Ferndale Area District Library will hold fundraising events in the Library for the purpose of funding public library services to the people served by the Library.

    6. There are limits regarding how often a group may use the meeting rooms. See Reservation and Cancellation.


  3. Rules Governing Use of Meeting Room


    1. Public use of meeting rooms may not interfere with the Library's operation or disturb other Library users. Meeting room users must observe the Libra ry's rules of conduct and all Library policies.

    2. The Library reserves the right to enter any meeting held in its facilities to ensure the security of Library user and property, to determine that no unlawful activities are occurring on Library premises and to verify that the use of the room is consistent with Library policy.

    3. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are not permitted. The sole exception to the prohibition on alcoholic beverages in the Library is if an event hosted by the Library meets the following criteria:



      1. The event is a fundraising event at which the proceeds go to the Ferndale Area District Library (directly or through the

        Friends of the Ferndale Library -- a 501c(3) not-for-profit corporation) or the City of Ferndale;

      2. The Ferndale Area District Library approves the event at a public meeting of the Board;

      3. The Ferndale Area District Library applies for and

        receives a one-day liquor license from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission;

      4. The serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages only occurs after regular Library hours.

      5. The Ferndale Area District Library staff or one or more Board Members are present at the event to provide

      oversight for the compliance with the rules, laws and conditions of the liquor license.

    4. Gambling is not permitted in the meeting rooms.

    5. Set-up and special arrangements of chairs and tables are the responsibility of the customer. No special room set up is provided by the Library. Users are responsible for returning all tables and chairs to the original setup or to storage.

    6. Storage of items by meeting room users is not permitted. Materials left after the end of a meeting will be discarded.

    7. Users may not tack, pin, paste or tape anything to walls, doors, windows, or other structural elements of the meeting room facility.

    8. Users are responsible for leaving the room clean and in good order.

    9. Any damage, loss, theft or misuse of Library equipment or facilities is the responsibility of the group or individual reserving the room.

    10. The Library is not liable for injuries to people or damage to property, individuals or organizations using the meeting rooms. The Library is not liable for theft of private property. Users of the meeting room agree to indemnify and defend the Library, the City of Ferndale and their employees for any action resulting from the use of the facilities.

    11. Users shall abide by all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, Library policies and other rules. Fire prevention regulations include but are not limited to the following:

      1. Use of open flames is prohibited.

      2. Extension cords cannot have exposed wire and must be UL­ approved

      3. No combustible decorations are allowed.



      4. Egress routes may not be obstructed in any way and exit signs must remain clearly visible.

    12. Users are responsible for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements and for providing requested accommodations for meetings or programs.

    13. Users shall permit no more persons than is stated by occupancy requirements.

    14. Users shall not distribute personal or group literature, brochures and other materials to Library patrons outside of the meeting room in the Library building. Persons or groups using the meeting rooms shall not leave printed materials on Library property without prior approval of the Director in accordance with Library Policy.

      0. Users shall not sell tickets, raffles or any objects or solicit contributions from persons located anywhere in the Library or on Library property.


  4. Refreshments


    1. Light refreshments may be served if approved in advance by the Library Director or his or her designee. Users must specify on their application what kind of refreshments they intend to serve and how refreshments will be served

    2. Catering is permitted if approved in advance by the Library. Users must specify on their application what kind of catering they intend and how food will be served. Caterers are to arrive, depart and pick up their equipment only during the time scheduled for the meeting room.

    3. If refreshments are served in the meeting rooms, a deposit is required. See Fees.


  5. Use of Library Equipment


    1. Wireless Internet access is available in the meeting rooms. Use of the Internet must conform to the Library's Internet Use Policy.

    2. Users may use available Library audio/visual and presentation equipment. A Library staff member will set up Library-owned equipment and ensure it operates properly. Library staff will also store equipment after use.

    3. Use of Library audio/visual and presentation equipment is not permitted after Library hours.

    4. Users may bring their own computer, projection or other electronic

      devices. The Library accepts no responsibility for the use or care of personally-supplied equipment .

    5. Library staff will not operate the equipment during programs.




    6. There is an additional charge for use of Library equipment-see



  6. Rese rvation and Cancellation


    1. Users interested in using the Library meeting rooms must first fill out an application form provided by the Libra ry. This application must be on file at the Library no earlier than six (6) month s in advance and at least one (1) week prior to the scheduled meeting date. Application forms are available at the Library and on the Libra ry's website. Fees for use are due at the time of application. Additional

      charges/deposits for equipment use or refreshments are also due at this time. See Fees.

    2. An authorized adult (over 18 years of age) representative of the group must request use of meeting rooms and fill out the application form. By signing the form the applicant agrees that the Library Mee ting Room Policy ("Policy") applies to the requested use of space and has been read and und erstood. The Library will contact the applicant with confirmation that the reservation is accepted. Do not assume that a reservation is complete upon submission of the application. Similarly, meeting room reservations may be made by telephone but are not confirmed until the application form has been completed, signed and processed.

    3. Because of th e demand for use of the meeti ng roo ms, the Library may not be able to accommodate users desiring to schedule multipl e meetings. No more than one meeting per month may be scheduled.

    4. Meetings may extend after Library hours , but they must begin during Libra ry hours. Users are responsible for securing Libra ry property after hours and must be certain that all doors are locked and secure when they leave the building.

    5. The meeting rooms may be reserved in one-hour increments. Unless special arrangements are made, no group may reserve meeting rooms for more than four hours a day.

    6. Meetings may not be scheduled when the Library is closed without special arrangements with Library staff.

    7. Meetings will be posted on the Library website monthly calendar in accordance with the information submitted at the time of the reservation.

    8. No user may assign its reservation to another user.

    9. Users that consistently fail to use their reservations may be charged a non-refundable deposit of $100.00. Fees will not be refunded to users who fail to use their reservation. Users that fail to arrive or notify the Library within 30 minut es after the scheduled beginning time of their meeting forfeit th eir reserva tion.

      . When it is necessa ry for users to cancel a reservation, the Library should be notified immediat ely. Cancellat ion less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time will result in forfeit ure of th e meeting room fee.

    10. The Library reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any reservation

      due to conflicts with Libra ry programming or unforeseen circumsta nces such as

      incle ment weather, mechanicalfailur e, or other building issues. In the event of a Library building or weather-related emergency, the Libra ry reserves the right to cancel the meeting. The Libra ry will notify the group cont act on the reservation application form with as much advance notice as possible.


  7. Fees


    All fe es for use of the room(s), equipm ent, deposits, etc. will be se t in a schedule of fees as part of eac h annual budget.


  8. Violations, Penalties and Appeal


    1. If a group or individual using the meeting rooms ("User") violates

      Libra ry policy, including this Policy, the Libra ry Director or the Director's designee may restrict access to Libra ry facilities, includin g the Library meeting rooms, by immediately dis missing the patron from the premises, by suspending the patron's access to Library facilities for a set period of tim e, or by denying access to specific services and/ or programs purs uant to th is Policy. If necessary, the local police may be called to intervene.

      1. Incident Reports : Library Staff sh all record in writing in the form of an Incident Report any violation of this Policy that resulted in a verbal warning or a suspension of Libr a ry privileges. By the end of the day on which the incident occurred, an Incident Report shall be writt e n and forwarded to the Libr a ry Directo r for logging and review. The report should include physical description s in addition to the name of the patro n. A co py of th e suspension of privileges

        lett er should be attached, if appli cable.

      2. Violation of the Policy - Suspe nsion of Privileges : Unless other wise provided in th is Policy, (See Section C below), the Library shall handle violations as follows:

      3. Initial Violation: Libr ary patrons observed violatin g this policy will be asked to cease the violation with a verbal request. If the patron does not comply with the reques t, he or she will be asked to leave the building for the day. If he or she refuses, police may be called.

      4. Subsequent Violations: The Director or the Director's autho­ rized designee may further limit or revoke the patro n's library privileges if infractions continue. Such limitation or revocation shall be in writing specifying the nature of the violation. Subsequent violations of the same rule shall result in additional suspensions of increasing length.


    2. Violations that Affect Safety and Security: Violations involving verbal abuse, violence, threatening behaviors, sexual harassment, vandalism, drug sale or use or attempted drug sale or use, intoxication, theft or attempted theft, physical harassment, sexual misconduct or any behavior that threatens the safety and security of staff and/or patrons shall be handled as follows:

      1. Initial Violation: The police will be called immediately. If the conduct constitutes a violation of local, state, or federal law, arrest or criminal prosecution may ensue. Violations of this nature will result in an immediate minimum two-week suspension of library privileges. The Incident Report shall specify the nature of the violation.

      2. Subsequent Violations: The police will be called immediately. If the conduct constitutes a violation of local, state , or federal law, arrest or criminal prosecution may ensue. The Director or the Director 's authorized designee, may further limit or revoke the pat ron's library privileges in escalating responses, which will be documented in writing. Subsequent violations of the same rule will result in additional suspensions of increasing length.

    3. Reinstatement: The User whose privileges have been limited or revoked shall attend a meeting with the Director or the Directo r's designee to review the Policy before their privileges may be reinstated.

    4. Damages: If the User violates the policy by causing damage to Library property, the User shall be assessed the actual costs.

      1. Users may appeal a decision in writing to the Library Director within 10 working days of the date of the letter stating why library privileges should be restored.

      2. The Library Director or a designee will respond to the appeal in writing within 10 working days of the date the appeal was received.



Any person may appeal the Library Director's decision by sending an appeal in writing to the President of the Library Board within 10 business days. The decision of the Library Board is final.


Approved on August 3, 2010

Revised on May2 6 , 2011

Revised on September 22, 2011

Revised on May 2 4 , 2012

Revised on January 15, 2015



Internet Policy

PDF iconInternet Policy



I.          General Statements Regarding Internet.


A.        Internet Access.  The Ferndale Area District Library (“Library”) provides access to a broad range of information resources, including those available through the Internet.  Access to the Internet enables the Library to expand its information services significantly.  This Policy applies to both the Library owned computers and wireless access available at the Library.


  1. Validity of Information.  The Internet offers access to a wealth of information and Internet sites including useful ideas, information, and opinions from around the world.  However, not all sources on the Internet provide information that is accurate, complete, or legal.  Internet Users will need to evaluate for themselves the validity of the information found.


  1. Library Does Not Endorse Information on Internet.  The Library provides a home site on its public computers pointing to a variety of quality Internet sites.  However, because the Internet is a vast and unregulated information network, it also enables access to information, ideas and commentary beyond the confines of the Library’s mission, selection criteria materials selection policies.  The provision of access does not mean or imply that the Library endorses or sanctions the content or point of view of any of the information or commentary that may be found on the Internet.


  1. View Internet at Own Risk.  The Internet may contain information that is controversial, sexually explicit, or offensive.  Users are cautioned that ideas, points of view and images can be found on the Internet that are controversial, divergent and/or inflammatory.  Because of this and the fact that access points on the Internet can and do change often, rapidly and unpredictably, the Library cannot protect individuals from information and images which they might find offensive, disturbing or inaccurate. Library patrons use the Internet at their own risk.  Parents or guardians of minor children are responsible for their child’s use of the Internet through the Library’s connection as stated more fully below.


  1. No Liability.  The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from its connections to the Internet.  Users shall use Library computer hardware and software at their own risk.  The Library is not responsible for equipment malfunction, loss of data, any damages to the User’s disks, data or electronic transactions of any type.  The Library is not responsible for the loss of any portable media or accessories.


II.        Nature of the Public Library Setting.


A.        Respect Others.  Because Library patrons of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities are using the computers, Library Internet Users are asked to be sensitive to other’s values and beliefs when accessing potentially controversial information and images


B.        Use with Caution of Risks.  Users are cautioned that, because security in an electronic environment such as the Internet cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files, accounts, and communications are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use.  Users should be cautious about using the public computers or public Internet Access for sensitive, private or valuable information or transactions because safety from unauthorized access and use cannot be guaranteed.  The Library is not responsible for any damages or loss that results from unauthorized access or use of User’s files, accounts, communications or similar documents.


III.       Internet Filtering; Children Under 18


A.        Internet Filtering – General.  


1.         Filtered Access.  To comply with the requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”) and Michigan’s Public Act 212 of 2000 (“PA 212”), all computer terminals are filtered.  Further, the Library’s wireless access is also filtered.  Filtered access means the computer or wireless system has a program installed that is designed to restrict minors[1] from receiving obscene materials or sexually explicit materials that is harmful to minors as defined by PA 212 and visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography or harmful to minors as defined by CIPA.  This filtering method is designed to prevent access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet.  Children under the age of 18 shall only use the Library computers designated and posted for use by minors.


2.         Safety of Minors Regarding E-Mail.   The Library does not filter e-mail or other direct electronic communications.  It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to educate the minor on safety and security and monitor the use of these communications.


3.         Internet Access.  Patrons wishing to access the Library’s terminals may log in with a valid library card or purchase a guest pass from either the Circulation or Reference desk.  There are also Express Computers available which provide a free 15-minute session. The patron must read and accept the Library’s Internet Use Policy on screen before accessing the internet. 


B.        Internet Filtering – Patrons 18 Years of Age or Older


1.         Disable Filters.  Patrons 18 years of age or older may request to have the filters disabled for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.  The Library’s wireless access cannot be disabled, so any patron who desires to have the filters disabled must use the Library’s computers.


2.         Unblock Sites.  Individuals 18 years of age or older who believe an Internet site has been improperly blocked can request that the site be “unblocked.”  A request to unblock should be in writing to the Library Director and signed by the person making the request.  A decision on the site’s status will be made by the Director, who will prepare a written reply to the individual. submitting the form.


C.        Internet Filtering – Patrons Under 18 years of Age


1.         Responsibility of Parents and Legal Guardians.  As with other materials in the Library’s collection, it is the Library’s Policy that parents or legal guardians are responsible for deciding which library resources are appropriate for their children.  The Library urges parents and guardians to discuss Internet use with their children and to monitor their use of this educational tool


2.         Unfiltering Terminals.  Minors who are 17 years old may only have the filters (filters used to filter visual depictions of obscenity, child pornography and materials that is deemed harmful to minors as prohibited by CIPA) disabled on a computer used by that patron for (1) bona fide research or other lawful purposes and (2) only if a parent or legal guardian has accompanied them to the Library and is sitting at the computer station or terminal at all times.  Patrons under the age of 17 may not ask for the terminal to be unfiltered pursuant to the requirements of CIPA.


3.         Unblocking Websites.  Patrons under the age of 18 may request in writing that a particular site be unblocked, but only if the site does not include obscene or sexually explicit materials deemed harmful to minors or other materials prohibited by law.  The Library Director shall make that determination.  



IV.       Procedure for Use.


A.        Reservation/Time Limits. Users may log on to the public internet computers using a valid library card in good standing from FADL or from libraries which are members of The Library Network (TLN). Guest passes are available for anyone without a valid library card, which will give up to 3 hours of computer time. Computer time may be extended beyond 3 hours at staff's discrection. Express Computers are available which will provide one free 15-minute session to any users.


B.        Availability.  The public computers are only available for use by Users if they are not being used for Library purposes, such as classes, staff training or special programs.  The Library reserves the right to have first priority of use for Library uses, sponsored events or co-sponsored events.  Library patrons should be aware that there are some computers that are limited to only the online public access catalog and are clearly marked.  The online public access catalog computers are available on a first come, first served basis.


C.        Closing.  All computers and printers are shut down fifteen (15) minutes before the Library closes.


D.        Reimbursement for Printing.  The User shall reimburse the Library fifteen cents ($.15) a page for black and white printing and fifty cents ($0.50) a page for color printing.  The User shall be responsible for all printing costs, so Users are encouraged to use “print preview” so that they are aware of the number of copies.


E.         Staff Assistance.  Library staff provides limited assistance for basic start-up procedures.  Several circulating books on Web searching are available.


V.        Acceptable Use.


All Users of the Library’s Internet connection and terminals are expected to use this resource in a responsible and courteous manner, and to follow all rules and procedures as established in this Policy. 


A.        Lawful Use.  The Library Internet connection and terminals shall be used in a lawful manner.  The Library’s Internet and terminals cannot be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose prohibited under any applicable federal, state or local law, including, but not limited to, (1) accessing materials that can be classified as obscene or child pornography; (2) gaining unauthorized access to or use of patron information or accounts; (3) engaging in identity theft; (4) engaging in civil rights violations; or (5) monitoring or capturing information regarding individuals and their use of the computers or Internet illegally, such as by using a keylogger.


B.        Intellectual Property.  Users must respect intellectual property rights and obey the copyright laws of the United States and all other intellectual property rights.  Responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement or violations of other laws or agreements lies with the User.  The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.


C.        Use Must Not be Harmful to Minors.  Michigan law prohibits Users from allowing minors access to sexually explicit materials harmful to minors. Internet Users shall also not permit any minor to view sexually explicit materials or any other materials deemed harmful to minors.


D.        Compliance with Code of Behavior.  The same rules apply to the use of the Internet as with the use of any other Library materials.  The Library has adopted a Patron Behavior Policy.  All Internet Users must comply with the Library’s Patron Behavior Policy, which shall be posted in the Library.


E.         Privacy; Unauthorized Access.  Users must respect the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another User; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords or data belonging to others; and by not hacking or seeking disallowed access to any computer system via the Internet.


F.         Time Limit.  Failure to leave a computer terminal upon the expiration of the allotted time is a violation of this Policy.


G.        Reimbursement.  The User shall reimburse the Library fifteen cents ($.15) a page for black and white printing and fifty cents ($0.50) a page for color printing.


H.        Personal Software Prohibited.  Users shall refrain from use of personal software, the attachment of unauthorized equipment to the Library’s computers or networks or the modification of any operating system or network configuration.  Users shall also refrain from downloading/uploading files to/from the Library’s computers.


I.          System Modifications; Hardware Modifications.  Users are not permitted to change the security setup, operating systems, the network configuration or any other configuration of any Library computer terminal without authorization.  Users are also not permitted to add any hardware or devices to the computer terminal.


J.          Damage.  The User shall be responsible for repayment of any costs to the Library for damage to the computer terminals or system.


K.        Terminal Use.  No more than two (2) Users may sit at a terminal.  No person may stand behind another person while using a terminal.  Upon request, a Library staff member may approve or allow additional Users at a terminal.


L.         Personal Information; Unauthorized Release.  No patron, including minors, may engage in the unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information of any person, including minors.


M.        Saving Files and Documents.  Patrons who wish to have a permanent record of their work need to save files and documents on their own portable media.  Library computers do not allow Users to permanently save documents or personal files to the hard drive.



VI.       Violations of Internet Use Policy.


The Library Director or their designee may restrict access to Library facilities by (1) terminating or limiting computer, Internet Access or Library facilities; (2) immediately dismissing the patron from the premises; (3) suspending the patron’s access to Library facilities for a set period of time; or (4) by denying access to specific services and/or programs pursuant to this Policy.  If necessary, the local police may be called to intervene.


A.        Incident Reports.  Library Staff shall record in writing in the form of an Incident Report any violation of this Policy that resulted in a verbal warning or a suspension of Library privileges.  By the end of the day on which the incident occurred, an Incident Report shall be written and forwarded to the Library Director for logging and review.  The report should include a detailed description of the incident and physical descriptions in addition to the name of the patron.  A copy of the suspension of privileges letter should be attached, if applicable.


B.        Violation of the Policy – Suspension of Privileges.  Unless otherwise provided in this Policy (see Section C below), the Library shall handle violations as follows:


1.         Initial Violation.  Library patrons observed violating this Policy will be asked to cease the violation with a verbal request.  If the patron does not comply with the request, they will be asked to leave the building for the day.  If they refuse, police may be called.


2.         Subsequent Violations.  The Library Director or the Director’s authorized designee may further limit or revoke the patron’s Library privileges if infractions continue.  Such limitation or revocation shall be in writing specifying the nature of the violation.  Subsequent violations of the same rule shall result in additional suspensions of increasing length. 


C.        Violations That Affect Safety and Security.  Violations involving violations of law (including child pornography and allowing minors to view sexually explicit or other materials deemed harmful to minors), violence, threatening behaviors, sexual or other harassment, vandalism, theft or attempted theft, sexual misconduct or any behavior that threatens the safety and security of staff and/or patrons shall be handled as follows:


1.         Initial Violation.  The police will be called immediately.  If the conduct constitutes a violation of local, state or federal law, arrest or criminal prosecution may ensue.  Violations of this nature will result in an immediate minimum two-week suspension of Library privileges.  The Incident Report shall specify the nature of the violation.


2.         Subsequent Violations.  The police will be called immediately.  If the conduct constitutes a violation of local, state, or federal law, arrest or criminal prosecution may ensue.  The Library Director or the Director’s authorized designee may further limit or revoke the patron’s Library privileges in escalating responses, which will be documented in writing.  Subsequent violations of the same rule will result in additional suspensions of increasing length.


D.        Reinstatement.  The patron whose privileges have been limited or revoked shall attend a meeting with the Library Director or the Director’s designee to review the Library Patron Behavior Policy before their privileges may be reinstated.  The Library Director or the Director’s designee may attach conditions to such reinstatement and shall provide written notification of those conditions and the duration of the conditions.


E.         Civil or Criminal Prosecution.   Illegal acts involving the Library’s Internet Access service may be subject to civil or criminal prosecution.


VII.     Right of Appeal.


Patrons may appeal a decision to (1) limit or revoke privileges or (2) attach conditions to reinstatement by sending a written appeal to the Library Board within ten (10) working days of the date the privileges were revoked or limited or the written statement of conditions was provided, whichever is applicable.  The appeal should be sent to the President of the Library Board.  The decision of the Library Board is final.


VIII.    Staff Assistance.


Staff may assist Library Users in getting started on the Internet.  However, the Library cannot guarantee that Internet-trained staff will be available to assist Users at all times the Library is open.  Because of the many different applications available on the Internet, staff may not be able to provide specialized or technical knowledge about a particular application.  Users who need training on Library software or digital collections should request an appointment.




Adopted September 15, 2022
Revised September 19, 2024


[1]  Under Michigan Law, "adults" are 18 years of age or older.  CIPA defines an adult as 17 years of age or older.  As required by CIPA, 17 year olds may have the filter disabled, but only as specifically described in Section C.3 below.

Bulletin Board Policy


In its role as a center of community information, the Ferndale Public Library supports the free flow of information and exchange of ideas. The FPL therefore provides bulletin boards in its facilities for individuals and groups in the community to announce events and services that are of general and current interest. Notices may only be posted on designated bulletin boards. Notices may be posted within limitations of space and according to the following guidelines. Notices not complying with these guidelines and those listed below will be removed.

The community bulletin boards at the Ferndale Public Library may be used for posting the following types of information:

Materials from the Ferndale Public Library, the Friends of the Ferndale Library, and the City of Ferndale

Flyers, brochures, announcements, schedules or postings of forthcoming or continuing educational, social, civic, charitable/nonprofit, cultural, or recreational activities, or by any federal, state, or local government agency.

Library staff must approve and post all notices, posters, and brochures.

Library staff may remove notices. Once notices are removed, they are discarded & recycled.

Notices posted or left on tables without authorization will be removed and discarded immediately.

Oversized posters may be rejected because of space limitations.

If the bulletin board is crowded, the library reserves the right to select notices for events with the widest appeal.

The Ferndale Public Library does not assume responsibility for materials damaged or stolen.

Items that do not meet the above criteria, such as commercial, personal, or election or campaign notices or petitions, will not be posted.

Notices advocating fraud or unlawful actions or notices the library considers to be inappropriate are not permitted.

Acceptance of materials for display does not imply the library's endorsement of a group or organization, its policies or beliefs.


Approved by the Ferndale Public Library Board – September 22, 2011

Library Board Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Policies & Procedures